Modified Exhaust Pipe Noise Inspection Information Management System

The website provides services for the registration and inquiry of exhaust pipe modifications and the use of certified pipes. Users can register, check the status of their registration. Users can also review inspection records and data on currently certified exhaust pipes. Additionally, the website offers relevant regulatory documents, a detailed flowchart of the noise inspection process for modified exhaust pipes during the grace period in 2024 and the official implementation in 2025, classifications and noise decibel control standards for different types of vehicles, and contact information for the Environmental Protection Bureau, regulatory laboratories, and supervisory authorities.
I.Registration Process for Modified Exhaust Pipes:
(https://noisecar.moenv.gov.tw/CarSilencer/RegistrationHub/RegistrationHub1010R00 )
Starting in 2025, the Ministry of Environment will strictly regulate the noise issues complaints arising from modified motorcycle exhaust pipes. Therefore, 2024 is designated as a grace period during which the registration application is open to the public for online registration. Individuals using self-modified exhaust pipes or replacing them with certified pipes can complete the registration by entering basic information (name, license plate number, ID number, contact information, inspection area, and vehicle photos) in this application interface. After the Environmental Protection Bureau examines and approves the physical noise inspection and registration change, individuals will be able to legally use exhaust pipes with a certified number.
II.Registration and Noise Inspection Data Inquiry:
( https://noisecar.moenv.gov.tw/CarSilencer/DetectionResult/DetectionResult1010Q00 )
This interface allows individuals to check the progress of their registration and view history inspection data by entering relevant information.
Certified Exhaust Pipe Inquiry:
( https://noisecar.moenv.gov.tw/CarSilencer/CertifySilencerQuery/CertifySilencerQuery1010Q00 )
This interface allows individuals looking to replace their exhaust pipes with certified ones to conduct a search. By entering the certification number or filtering based on the vehicle's make, engine displacement, and model, users can find the certified exhaust pipes available for their vehicles.
III.Contact Information:
(https://noisecar.moenv.gov.tw/CarSilencer/Home/Contacts )
This interface provides contact information for the Environmental Protection Bureaus, regulatory laboratories, and supervisory authorities in each area. For inquiries regarding registration review periods, updating uploaded information, and other related questions, please contact the Environmental Protection Bureau within users most convenience area.

Last updated on :2025/02/20